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3D y animación 0.1.0

by Grupo gvSIG last modified 2010-10-29 15:35

The tool to set full completa screen can be found in the toolbar when a 3D view is active.

This tool is used to set the contents of a specific 3D view to full screen. It has been implemented inside the 3D extension so it can be used for presentations and shows. This tool is the perfect complement to the stereo one since by combining both they can be used to look at 3D views in virtual reality immersive systems.

Tool Options:

  • Synchronize cameras: If this option is selected the cameras from the gvSIG views and from the full screen are synchronized. This is option is used when there is an animation running over the 3D view, this way the full screen view moves with the animation.

  • Screen selection: By activating this option the user could select in which screen to visualize the full screen. This is useful when the user has more than one monitor.

  • Window Mode: It is used to show the view in window view only. This will show only the interior of the 3D view (without the TOC or the locator).
    • Origin position: It shows the position of the upper left corner of the window.
    • Resolution: It shows the width and height of the window.
  • Enable Philips WOW display stereo mode: Configures the fullscreen mode for the visualization on Philips autostereoscopic diplays.

Note: The full screen mode duplicates the 3D view that gvSIG is using. This causes a drop in the system performance if there is no sufficient memory and graphics hardware available.

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